I've wanted a lace dress for awhile, kind of like this one from Newport News, although this picture is totally ridiculous. I think they are feminine and pretty but also a bit unexpected.
Also, I stumbled upon deezer, an online jukebox/free streaming music from blogs like thecherryblossomgirl (her name is Alix, and she is very French) and ninainvorm, who is Dutch. I like it, and it's concept (cool Euro music for free) but I cannot figure out how it works and it only plays the one featured song all the time. With great difficulty I have managed to play other things, but the bottom of the site always says "you are listening to: Au Revoir Simone" but I am not! The player is playing the same song over and over again, and it is decidely not Au Revoir Simone. Any help?
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