I'm listening to Bjork off the hilarious blog nogoodforme.com, and postponing leaving for work because I'm cold and all stuffed up and sickly. There's nothing I hate more than cold, rainy weather + disgusting allergies, and yet there's nothing I love more than snuggling in with tea and space heaters and funny reading and completing some sewing projects. And yet, that is my reality. This picture is how I wish I dressed in the winter, except the boots look wierdly foreshortened and like little hooves, and they freak me out the more I look at them.
Usually when I wake up sick, I start feeling better once I sit up and all the gunk in my brain drains out of my sinuses so I can breathe but today I had to resort to super-harsh-but-magical nose spray. I'm sorry, this is way too much info about my sickness.
But last night I brought out my mint green sewing machine & the trusty needle & thread and rehemmed a dress and a pair of pants, sewed the ripped back seam on two of my favorite skirts, and sewed in the armholes of a too-big free-bin sleeveless sweater/tunic thing, and most importantly, sewed in a pair of too-short BUT my size flare jeans into straight-leg jeans, which is awesome because now no one can really tell they are too short and it took a great amount of ingenuity to make them look normal (you have to keep the original seams) and now I finally have tight enough pants to shove them into boots without the pirate effect or to wear loose tops with without the all-over-sloppy & unflatteringly-baggy effect.
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