Sunday, June 28, 2009

Eco-friendly Shopping

I wanted to share three websites that are like the of the green fashion world.

The Find Green (see my search for skinny leggings)
The Green Loop

There's also the boutique Beklina, which is kinda pricey and hipster, but I still like.

Today I went to Target and managed to only buy contact solution, eye drops, honey mustard pretzels, and organic cotton sheets, so I am feeling pretty good about my sustainable purchasing resolution. I did my research on the sheets first though.

I totally wanted these:or these:
both from Pottery Barn, but they seemed kinda pricey and I doubt Zeb would have gone for the floral or outrageous patterns. There are incredibly mixed reviews for the Target sheets that I got but they seemed fairly reasonably priced, and feel nice and smooth. We will have to see if they pill or otherwise crap out on me after being washed.

Oh, and bonus, I biked to Target with a friend and it was a lovely day. We sat by the lake and ate ice cream and talked for a long time, and our dresses did the Marilyn Monroe thing.

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