Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back in Chicago

Got back last night, it's too hot, my room is a mess and closing in on me. Taking relief in air-conditioned work and this post from Apartment Therapy. My rolling clothes rack fell down and seems to be an unsturdy POS so I'm getting rid of it. I desperately need more storage, want an armoire like this great old ancient one I had in Cairo. It had some random stuff in it like Christmas decorations, a photo, some trash, a white board, and some old hangers, but it held my small collection of clothes and looked solid. The pictures on the wall I tore from British Vogue and some postcards from friends.

Currently I'm still living out of boxes with my clothes hung on every available bump in my room. Craigslist, please come through for me! I just want to move a huge piece of furniture in a borrowed Prius, is that too much to ask?

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